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Book An ENG1 Medical


Seascope now offers ENG1 Medical appointments on-site at our training centre in Liverpool. 

To book an appointment please call +44 151 709 3290 


Email eng1@seascopemaritimetraining.co.uk

What Is An ENG1 Medical?

The MLC (Maritime Labour Convention) stipulates that every seafarer holds a valid medical certificate before they can start work at sea on a commercial vessel.  The ENG1 medical is a UK flag-state medical examination, performed by an MCA recognised Doctor.  It’s purpose is to ensure that anyone employed on any sea-going ships, meets a minimum standard of health.

What Do I Need For The ENG1 Medical?

  • A form of photo ID (passport, drivers licence or discharge book only)
  • Your current ENG1 (if applicable)
  • A list of any medication(s) you are taking
  • Glasses or contact lenses that you need to wear

What Does The ENG1 Medical Exam Involve?

  • Measurement of your height & weight
  • An eyesight test
  • A colour blindness test
  • A hearing test
  • Ear and throat evaluations
  • Teeth/gums inspection
  • Questions on your medical history and lifestyle habits
  • A urine sample (to test kidney functionality and blood sugar)
  • Reflex testing
  • Blood pressure check
  • Doctor will listen to heart and lungs to ensure all is normal
  • Gentle overall physical to check for any anomalies

How Much Does It Cost?

The ENG1 Medicals cost £115 per person

To book an appointment or for more information please call +44 151 709 3290 


Email eng1@seascopemaritiemtraining.co.uk

  • Cost
    £115 / person
  • Duration
    40 Minutes
  • Location
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